Tuesday, October 20, 2009

English workshop

This day was special for our school.
It celebrated 45 years of existence. Today we didn't have classes, but different workshops.
We worked on our project "Debunk Stereotypes" and made one poster, and the other only for Macedonia.
You will see some photos of this day!


  1. Hi!
    It's really nice to know that schools have different ways to work. We're also working on the project "Debunk Stereotypes" and we're loving it! This kind of projects is very interesting because we get the chance to know new people from other countries.

    Marilia's Students:
    - Cláudia
    - Cristina
    - Daryna

  2. Hi Claudia, Cristina and Daryna,
    Thanks for the comment!
    You are right, it's interesting to work with students and teachers from all around the world!
    Teacher Biljana
